I've been toying with squidoo lately. It is an interesting program. It is free and fun. You create site's similar to using blogger, quick templates are employed although i'm learning that there are lots of modules you can add to really pump up the content of the site.
The other thing is that they really encourage you to create lots of pages. Normally with say a blogger page where you work on one and constantly update it with new info, the squidoo pages are kind of set up and leave it to make the next one.
This helps in an effort put lots of content out on the web. So it's a great seo tool. You can also set them up to to make money on there own. If you were to look at my site http://www.squidoo.com/movies-that-make-you-a-better-person you can see that with the amazon and netflix modules you can make some income while also providing an informative site.
I'm really interested to see how the sites I'm setting up to promote my company's site www.gymfinitygymnastics.com .
You can see my first attempt at it here at squidoo.com/gymnasticslivermore and my self promoting page at squidoo.com/jerodpimentel .
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
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